Done with filming

Hello everyone welcome back! I'm very glad to say the filming has been finished for Bedlam. More filming was done throughout the week for last scenes we needed. Now i don't know for sure if the filming is officially finished, because editing hasn't started so i have no idea how everything will look when it's all done. If more filming has to be done then so be it. The last filming that was done was at Fransheca's house. The group wanted a scene at a psych ward and obviously weren't able to go to one and film. So some improvising was done. I had to be very careful when filming in the room because the room had to be bare. A lot of stuff had to be moved around. It worked a lot better than expected and was definitely the best choice out of all our bedrooms. Mine was already used in the production, and i have way too many posters and random things on my wall. Omnia's room is also pretty lively too. Fransheca's room has white and grey walls. Which worked very ...