Finally able to begin

 Hello and welcome back! I hope everyone's been well as i've been away. So the production has finally started, but definitely not without some mishaps. Filming had been pushed back again, because there was scheduling conflicts. The group knew that this was likely going to be a problem as filming went on. The time between filming though will make the film turn out better though. There's days to decide what's the best and what deserves to be in the film. The first part of filming was at my house. Only around 2 minutes were able to be filmed. Not all the scenes that are supposed to be filmed at my house were done. The scenes that are filmed are just the beginning sequence. There's one scene that was filmed that's the longest amount of uncut filming i've ever done. It's about a 45 second scene, which includes a close up, an over-the-shoulder shot and a tracking shot. Its a lot of different types of shots within one. It surprising only took three tries to do. I think the shot turned out very well and i'm very proud of my camera work within it. It was a lot of just following a group member and getting the pacing right. It came pretty naturally. I hope the rest of the filming goes the same way. I promise to keep you all updated as it goes along. But for now, goodbye everyone. See you next time!


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