Locations for filming


Hello and welcome back! So, we plan on filming on this upcoming monday. The plan is to film at my house. The filming is going to be split up into several days. The different days will be for the different locations. The first location will be at my house, and that’s where majority of the film where take place. So, the bulk of the filming will be done. In the next coming week the other locations will be used. There is still the last scene that a location has to be chosen for. There’s 3 locations that are planned. The last location will only be needed for a very small clip, so it’s not that stressful to find. The location just has to fit the setting that’s imagined for the scene. The film won’t be shot in order, about like 70% of the film is at my house, but all the scenes are spread out through the film. The other locations will only be needed for small scenes. The mall is needed for a few scenes. The filming there will be a little tricky because some stores don’t allow you to film. If that problem is ran into, another store will be used. The other location needed is a cafe of some sort. There’s a place that i have in mind for it. Hopefully the place allows us to film, and we will be paying customers. Hopefully all the filming goes as planned and there will be no problems. Well, that’s all for now! Till next time. 


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