Title Research: American Psycho

 Hello, welcome back! We viewed the American Psycho, 2000 film. The American psycho opening sequence prioritized titles. For Example, it included the cast, production distribution, director, editors, etc. By doing so, this gives credit to all those involved in the film and the making. Not only are the titles prioritized, but the images within are also displayed importantly. For example, the display of the food in the opening sequence has more of a deeper meaning than shown. Using bold colors like red, this signifies the thrill in the images. Making it appear almost like blood. The knife scene where it is thrown and used to chop food also foreshadows what the movie will contain. It also alludes that this actor may be a killer in this scene. These scenes make audience feel intrigued and on edge. As American Psycho falls into the horror/ thriller genre it makes viewers interested in the unexpected. With connotations and feelings such as scared, on edge, and aware. A specific scene in the opening sequence held audience to be slightly confused. Making the actor appear "crazy" and "psycho" This scene was the last in the opening sequence, to where the actor speaks and says something concerning, but nobody reacts. As audience feels confused and slightly scared, this opening sequence scene causes feeling. The way certain images are displayed in the opening sequence allows a lot of foreshadowing. Giving viewers a feeling of what to expect without say. Goodbye, thank you for reading. Until next time!


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