Group Blog.

 Hey, it’s so good to see you! I bet you can guess who i’m working with. It’s the same group as always. You know Marlo Toomer, Omnia Fahmy and Natalia Sorbo. We’ve all worked together on the commercial and the music video.  I know for a fact that we work really well together. I’m very excited to work with them again we all get along really well. I’ve become really close because of the amount of group projects we’ve done together. There isn’t a lot of arguments in the group. And we all put in creative input into whatever we’re doing. No one’s voice is louder than someone else’s. We all bring different strengths to the team. There’s always ideas from someone that we connect with someone else’s. Ideas just flow in this group. It’s honestly so fun to work with them all. We’ve created a very tight bond. We even all agreed to take the A level next year so we can keep working together. I know for a fact we’re all going to work so hard on this film. I can’t wait to get started on it. Till i type again…


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