Research: How to make a short film


Writing to what you have resources to is a strong saying that we’ll have to live by when developing our plot and script. We can only write with what we have.  There’s only so much we can do with the camera that we’re filming with and the lack of mics. Knowing that we’ll need time to edit and fix the pacing of the film. There’s only 5 minutes we have, so we need to be careful on how much we film and the amount we’ll cut. Over filming is the best option, but we need to make sure the plot isn't one that doesn't have to be fully fleshed out to be able to understand. There does need to be payoffs of some sort and every scene has to count, there’s not room for filler. There also can’t be a lot of predictability within the film, which will be hard because of the groundhog type day plot we plan on using. There has to be types of scenes that the audience won’t see coming, while also following the theme of the story. The theme will drive our plot, and it needs to be understood by the audience. The tone needs to also be followed within all the variables in the film. There is a lot that needs to be done in a short amount a time, and a lot that needs to be shown in a short amount of time. Everything needs to make sense in the end. Knowing that we can test out scripts is also good, the first version will not be the last one, things will end up changing.The script must also be known like the back of your hand, but little amounts of dialogue can be changed. As long as the dialogue fits that of the character it will be left in. We have to get to know our characters and understand how they think and they’d react. Getting to know our characters will make the role easier to fulfill. The video also gave good websites and apps to edit and get sound from, the websites are filmstro and, which are definitely ones we’ll keep in mind. There’s ways to create the effect of certain shots if you’re not able to pull of the editing or have the material to make it. Like putting in sound for an explosion instead of showing it or cutting to the actors for reactions. We want the film to look as good as possible, so we must keep all of this in mind. 


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