Title Research: Pearl

  Welcome back everyone! Today I will be disusing the opening scene of the 2022 thriller, Pearl. Titles displayed in the opening scene consists of production company tags, the starring actress and actors, the director's name, the casting directors, the costume designers, production designer, the director of photography, the editor, the producer, executive producers, the writers, and then finally the title in a big font. The font of the title cards is reminiscent of the 1950's which is when the film is set. There are many important images that are prioritized. One image shows the main character dreaming in a room of mirrors surrounded by multiple reflections of herself. She is dancing and frolicking. She is happy, content, and in her element. This emphasizes that she wants to be in the spotlight This dream is soon interrupted by her mom opening her room and the main character looks unhappy and sad. This foreshadows how her desire for being in the spotlight will ultimately be her downfall. This makes the scene feel hopeful, then the hope

becomes lost. The opening scene make an effort to show the landscape of the farm. She gives a monologues  to her farm animals revealing her true thoughts and desires. These inner thoughts give insight on future plots in the movie. The scene also captures moments when she is smiling and when she is not. This shows the character's likes and dislikes. The very beginning moment of the opening scene shows a point of view shot of a barn opening to reveal a beautiful sunrise behind a farm house. The connotation is very happy and chipper which is a huge contrast between the dark feel of the actual film. The last scene finally breaks away from the happy and light feel and shows the main character killing a duck and feeding it to an alligator which makes the audience with an unsettled mood. Thank you for listening!


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