
    “Wanderer” By Mark O’ Brien and Jake Wilkins are yet another short film that falls under the Mystery/ Thriller Genre. This short film includes many elements in which apply to our chosen genre, Mystery. This short film is based on a male traveler who arrives at a secluded house around the evening time. As he is looking for shelter, he stumbles across a youngish couple that appears to be around his age group. They invite him into dinner in which later leads to the uneasy feeling of the woman. Leading to the following questions, “Could it be that the nomadic serial killer who has been stalking the area has just walked into their house?” “Will they survive the night?” 

“Wanderer” was produced in way in which readers follow up with the following question “what is going to happen next” In this case, with the usage of sound/ noise. With quitter, less noisy sounds, this film allows for reader to maintain a less sudden approach. Background noise plays a very large role in the approach of the mystery genre, in this short film we hear a more suspect background noise. This is commonly found between genres including thrill and mystery. Piano sounds are also found to be played, with a more classical eerie tune. By applying these sounds, audience may feel a bit more intrigued regarding the sense of causality. 

In the mystery genre, there is commonly found makeup that appears to make characters look a bit duller, as well as costumes, found in “Wanderer” that have a much more basic, casual style. This makes readers feel the unexpected when events occur. However, in this genre lightings can often vary, in this case, a warmer/ welcoming tone is used as a sense of the unexpected. Also applying to camera shots, the makers of this movie used tracking shots, over the shoulder shots, and some close up shots in order to emphasize the overall eerie feeling of this film.

Editing styles found in the mystery genre often tend to be more reserved. With settings that are often isolated, already making the overall feel of the movie, such as “Wanderer.” With clips that pertain to audience feeling ambiguous and a system that allows for the most unexpected. With creakier, more eerie feels, the reader can feel a sense of unjust. 

Example films that most pertain to my genre (Mystery) include “Jet” and “Scruples,” which are both short films in which fit under thriller/ mystery. Overall, I often lean toward this genre as it is the most intriguing to me. I enjoy the uneasy feeling in which comes, as well as the unpredictable and chaotic approach It takes. However, one downside still does pertain to that of which this genre can be slightly repetitive. Especially as makers of the film base many of their ideas on already created short films. Most times I am often stunned by plot twists, which is a great feeling, however is often played out right. See, when makers do not apply a plot twist correctly, it leaves audience with a sense of dissatisfaction.


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