The plan

 Welcome back!!!!! So after having a long conversation with my group, we have come up with our overall plan to make this work....

So our story will basically show a girl having interaction but then be told none of that happened. The point is for her to seem like she is going insane but doesn't understand why. At the end, we show that the whole time she was in a psych ward, and none of what we showed in the movie happened. 

    The only issue is we need to figure out how we are going to film all of these scenes. Our first idea was to find an abandoned place to film the last scene of the psych ward but it's not the safest. However, one of our members has a sister that does things like that so she would know what is the safest for us to do. If we do end up going to an abandoned place we will use gloves, masks, and hand sanitizer. If that doesn't work we might just to another one of our rooms to show us being held in a facility. Don't worry we will be safe! 

Locations: Abandon places, our houses/rooms, one of our cars, and someplace where we hang out 


1/20 Saturday: storyboard

1/24 Wednesday: get permissions

1/26 Friday: film

1/28 Sunday: film

2/1-2 Thursday and Friday: go through recordings

Week of 2/5 we will make any new scenes or delete scenes we can't have

Week of 2/12 finish filming start editing

    Some extra stuff....

Participants: Franshesca Leiva, Harley Hansen, and Omnia Fahmy

Props and Costumes:

  • Different outfits to represent different days 
  • an empty room to represent asylum 
  • a phone 
  • a specific cup for one of our scenes to show her losing her mind  
  • a car 

Trust the process, see you next time!!!


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