Plans for Moving Forward.

 Hi, welcome back! So, there have been a decent amount of things that need to go into consideration before we start anymore action is taken with our film. One of which is going through all the footage that was taken. There’s a decent amount of bloopers. All which haven’t been deleted yet. The reason for that is because, some shots had good takes, but things were messed up a little later in the scene. So, it would be a simple fix with some cutting and editing. Now everyone has access to the all the scenes. A group decision will be made about what scenes are being kept, and what scenes aren’t. It took a while to send all the pictures and videos. Most of which is on my part, cause i’d try during school but the wifi isn’t strong enough to support the amount of things being sent. Also while there is a storyboard that was followed; some scenes were changed. Which means some of the scenes may be in a different order than originally intended. A main thing is also the fact that im going to be out of town for a week, in the upcoming weeks. While i will not be here, i will still have wifi. The group has all agreed to try our hardest to get down with all the editing, before i have to leave. If the group doesn’t end up finishing, group facetime’s will happen when i’m gone, till the editing is done. I believe we will get it done before i end up leaving though. If anything does ending up changing or the editing is not finished by the time i leave, you guys will be the first to hear about it. I’ll see ya next time!


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