Props within the Film
Hi guys, welcome back! So, for the film there was a lot props involved. Some the props that were used needed safety measures. Car keys were used in one of the scenes, these keys were Natalia's dad's. There was fake blood that was also used. I had to be very careful with the fake blood because it would stain clothes. Omnia (the main actress), had to have it on her back. The blood would've stained her shirt, so I gave her my wet shirt. It didn't end up staining the shirt. I can't say the same for my hands though. They were stained for around 3 days with the fake blood. There was also a scare that the fake blood would cement surrounding the pool. It did for a second, but with enough water poured onto it, it was fine. The biggest safety measure that was taken for real kitchen knife that was used. There was a safety kit that was on hand. Natalia's dad was also home when the scene was being shot. So, if anything ended up happening it would've gotten quickly taken care of. The knife was also just used in the shoots, and always put back on the counter when it wasn't being use. All the props were handled with care, and the filming process was a safe environment. That's all for now!
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