Title Research Websites

 Hi, it's nice to see you again! We had to do some research on websites to figure out what website would give us the most information on title sequences. Most websites didn't have the information that was needed. Within some of the websites the videos were blurry or lagging. The best two websites that we found were artofthetitle.com and watchthetitle.com. Artofthetitle.com has a wide variety of titles. The titles from a wide range of years. Some can even be dated back to the 1940s. There's even categories for the studios and designers. For some of the featured film and tv shows there's articles linked to them. The articles discuss the making of the titles and how're they're chosen. Watchthetitle.com has an explanation for almost all of the titles that are featured within the website. The explanation and articles give a deeper understanding to the titles and the reasons they’re on scene. Even the sequencing of the titles is explained. On watchthetitle.com the categories are even more in depth. There’s interviews on the producers on certain films. The categories are Feature film, Television Show, Student Project, Event Titles and French Fridays. French Fridays is for French  cinema between the 1950s and 1980s. It’s a cool category to feature. You can even admit your own titles to this website. There’s also an option to suggest titles that should be featured in the website. It’s a very interactive site, that clearly caters to its audience. Can’t wait to see you again!


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