Genre Research: Escape Room


What elements (conventions) of the genre that you chose to base your final task on does this movie have?

The movie escape room has multiple conventions that my group and I would choose to base our final task on. This movie has many suspenseful moments that keep the viewer on their toes. It makes the viewer want to keep watching, and it leaves the viewer constantly wanting more. In escape room, the premise is four strangers, trapped in an escape room game but the escape room has a twist, each contestant dies, and there’s almost no way out. In our final task we will include all of these vital elements of a psychological thriller. 

What elements (conventions) of the genre did the movie have that you like?

Conventions that we liked in the movie escape room were the use of close-up shots. In this psychological thriller, close-up shots were vital to capture the character’s frightened or threatened looks to help better get the story across or build up more suspense. The use of Non-dietetic sound allowed for the presence of eerie music in the background of the characters experiencing an important moment. This also allows for the audience to be scared as well as the characters. This is some thing that my group mates and I will be placing in our final task. 

What elements (conventions) of the genre did the movie have that did not appeal to you?

An element that did not appeal to my group and I was the slow build up. In escape room, the thrill does not get started until the second portion of the movie. This allowed for our group to be bored while we were viewing this movie. We wanted the action to occur closer to the start of the movie so we could be more intrigued. For our final task, we will not include a slow build up for our opening scene. We will make the opening scene we produce, capture the audience’s attention.


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