Production Blog

 Hey, its nice to see you again! The music video was filmed yesterday. We filmed all the scenes, so all the filming is complete. I was the main videographer. There was some scenes that were shot that weren't in the storyboard. The original plan was to have a scene at an ice-cream shot. One wasn't close enough to film at, so the house was the only filming location. So scenes from the storyboard were changed. As filming went on some scenes were also added to the story. The lightening in certain shots also had to be adjusted, because there was a scene that was filmed in an in-home movie theater. So the lightening was really dim and there was some trouble in changing it. It was figured out, and the lightening was fixed. A tilt was also added as a scene and it helped add dramatic effect. The tilt was on of the harder scenes to film, because it had to be timed well. I had to tilt the camera as the actress fell on the bed at the same time. It had to be timed well to make it shot well and add more effect. There was also a little trouble in filming on of the tracking shots. I needed to back up as the actress would come closer to me, but the actress was taller then me so I had to figure out the best angle for her. It would've been very bad if her whole head was cut off. That's all for now, till I see you again!


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