Production Blog

Hey it’s nice to see you again! Since the filming is finished, the videos now all need to edited together. There’s more than enough clips to fit into the time limit. Most of the videos have been cut down to fit into the time limit. All mandatory clips to tell the story were able to fit into music video. The plan for editing is to able to sync up the song well enough, so that the scene of lip syncing the last line of You Belong With Me, will match up. The last line of the song is “you belong with me”, and it fits nicely with the scene. If that scene isn’t able to be synced then that’s okay. The scene was shot twice. Once with the lip syncing. There’s also one without the lip syncing. All the scenes were shot on the same phone so there’s not much worry about the quality changing from one scene to another. There’s also no worry about the clips being different sizes. All the scenes were shot with the camera angled the same way. No scenes were shot vertically. All scenes were shot horizontally. All the editing should go smoothly. The only scene that might be some trouble is the opening scene. The plan for it is to have both girls on the phone call showing. It would show them both in the scene, in their respective rooms. It would switch from having one as the main focus to the other being the main focus. That’s all for now, till i type again! 


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