Production Blog

Hey, It’s nice to see you again! The filming is finished, there’s certain conventions in the music video that were followed and certain conventions that weren’t. A lot of stereotypes were purposely followed within the music video. There was the popular mean girl who was the bad best friend. There was the geek who was the good best friend. There was also the friend that’s trying to fit in with the mean girl, who was the neutral best friend. The mean girl wore very preppy outfits, and wore pink. The geeky best friend wore glasses and baggy clothing. The neutral best friend wore basic clothing. There was also other conventions that were used for the music video. There was other pop culture references within the music video. When the evil best friend was caught texting another person, the name of the contact was regina. This is an allusion to the commonly referenced movie Mean Girls. Regina is the stereotypical mean girl, antagonist in the movie. Regina is one of the most iconic mean girls in media history. At on part of the music video one of the actors did lip sync one of the song. There was only that one part though, so this doesn’t fit many conventions of music videos. Most music videos have the singer or actors lip syncing the lyrics throughout. It was almost an equal amount of conventions that were followed and ignored. That’s all for now! Till i see you again.



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