Production blog

 Hey nice to see you again! There has been a few set backs with the music video. They have almost all be resolved though. One of the members is unable to access their phone. We are not filming at the original location that was chosen. There was a small set back in how everyone would get to the filming location. We are filming after school and there is not enough space in  the car for everyone. It was quickly solved though. One member is going to be getting a ride from their parent. The plan for the music video has been set, but there are still a few unknown variables. Such as how a member is going to get home from the filming location.  Another member has been sick for the past few days, so they haven't been in class to discuss. She has been texted the plan though. Filming is going to start on 12/8. It's going to be shot on an Iphone 13. Filming is planned to be from 3 to 6. Several members are bringing their changes of clothes to school, because several characters require outfit changes. Characters have already been established. At filming location scouting is gong to be done, to figure out what rooms are needed for the scenes that are being shot. The scenes may have to be slightly adjusted to the location. That's for now, till next time!


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