Editing is Over


Hello and welcome back! The editing process has been completed. The part of the editing that was trickiest was putting in the titles. It was a new software that was used. It took a little playing around with to make it work. Another new part, was the use of music. It had to be input into the video in a slightly different way. A scene was also added during the editing process. It was a scene of the car alarm actually being shut off. This scene was in the storyboard, but it had been skipped over when filming. It was a quick fix, no one specific was needed for the shot. So Natalia just filmed it, seeing as the film was taken at her house. The scene was quickly added in.The plot had flowers smoother with the scene. It added context to the story.  The plot follows almost directly to the storyboard. As you know theres just a few tweaks.The film was carefully crafted and carefully produced. The end result is something that everyone is proud of. I can’t wait for you guys to see it. That’s all for now, till i see you again!


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