story board

Scene 1: The evil best friend (antagonist) and the neutral best friend (deuteragonist) are on a phone call. The evil best friend gets mad at the neutral best friend and starts a fight, then hangs up on the neutral best friend. Scene 2: The neutral best friend starts crying after she gets off the call with the evil best friend, because of the heated argument they had. Scene 3: The neutral best friend calls the good best friend (protagonist) to talk about what happened with the evil best friend. Scene 4: The neutral best friend rants to the good best friend about the evil best friend. The neutral best friend tells the good best friend about everything the evil best friend was saying to her that made her cry. The good best friend consoles her. Scene 5: Cuts to a black screen with text saying, “the next day”. Scene 6: The neutral best friend and the good best friend agree to hang out the next day. Scene 7: The good best friend and the neutral best friend...